House debates

Wednesday, 5 June 2024


Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2024-2025; Consideration in Detail

11:38 am

Simon Kennedy (Cook, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Do they feel better supported because of these 30,000 bureaucrats, or do they think the government is just not listening? Do they think the government is governing for the squeaky wheels, the large corporates and the unions? I would love the industry minister to answer that. I'd love the Treasurer to answer: is he going to be for this tax cut that his industry minister is calling for?

The people of Australia and the people of Cook want answers. Instead, they have a confused budget from a government at sixes and sevens that can't get on the same page when it comes to what tax reform is, what tax policy is or what their next steps are.

Finally, we need a deregulation agenda. We need to allow growing small businesses to compete and flourish and to put them on an equal footing with these vested interests of the unions and large corporates and their lobbyists.


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