House debates

Wednesday, 5 June 2024


Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2024-2025; Consideration in Detail

11:38 am

Simon Kennedy (Cook, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I hope the member in his speech in a moment can come and clarify for me: do you agree with your Treasurer that we should not be cutting company tax, or do you agree with your industry minister that we should? I'd love to hear it from the next member.

Instead, what I think we'll hear is that the big players who've been given the resources to navigate these procurement channels are the ones who'll be prioritised. It'll be the small businesses who'll be ignored—continually ignored and ignored. It's not surprising that the Labor government is cosying up to these large corporates or that the small businesses in my electorate have never felt smaller, because, under this Labor government, corporates and government have never been larger. This government has been adding 50 bureaucrats a day, with over 30,000 bureaucrats added since the last election. So I ask the small businesses of Cook: Do they feel better? Do the small businesses of Cook feel better for these 30,000 bureaucrats?

Honourable members interjecting


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