House debates

Wednesday, 5 June 2024


Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2024-2025; Consideration in Detail

11:43 am

Photo of Sam LimSam Lim (Tangney, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Today I stand before you with a vision—a vision of a stronger, more prosperous Australia. For too long, we have faced neglect in key sectors. But the Albanese government is here to change that. We are committed to revitalising Australian manufacturing, creating well-paid jobs and ensuring a future made right here in Australia.

The National Battery Strategy is a cornerstone of this vision. With global demands for batteries set to quadruple by 2030, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to lead the charge.

This strategy is not just about batteries. This initiative is projected to contribute $16.9 billion to our economy. It's about creating more than 60,000 high-skilled, high-paid jobs in our suburbs and regions by 2030. This strategy will also help us to transition to 82 per cent renewables, securing Australia's place in global battery supply chains.

We are focusing on high-value battery products where Australia has a competitive edge. From energy storage systems for renewable grids to batteries for our transport industry, we are harnessing our world-leading expertise.

We are committed to innovation, scaling up manufacturing in battery-pack assembly, sales and recycling. Our $523.2 million Battery Breakthrough Initiative will transform our battery industry, moving us up the value chain and solidifying our position as a renewable energy superpower. Independent analysis shows the potential of a diversified battery industry in Australia. We are targeting the highest value opportunity in battery technologies and chemistry, including lithium and vanadium, to ensure we remain at the forefront of this global shift. This project will create up to 400 highly skilled workers, create local jobs and provide our universities and research institutions with unparalleled resources, furthering our commitment to a Future Made in Australia.

I'm proud to have Murdoch University, whose main campus sits in my electorate of Tangney, as a key partner to the Future Battery Industries Cooperative Research Centre, FBICRC. With its established extractive metallurgy research and education centre at the Rockingham Campus led by Professor Aleks Nikoloski, Murdoch University is at the forefront of battery research and education. Murdoch University's commitment of $1.25 million to the FBICRC and its successful projects, worth over $4 million, highlights its significant role in advancing battery technology. Murdoch University's efforts in hydrometallurgy and its partnership with the FBICRC exemplify the kind of collaboration needed to supercharge our battery manufacturing capabilities. Their research will attract further investment and create teaching and learning opportunities in the Kwinana and Rockingham areas, fostering a new generation of skilled workers ready to drive our battery industry forward.

It does not stop there. Our green metal consultation paper aims to kickstart Australia's green metal industry, positioning us as a world leader in green metal: aluminium, alumina and iron. This initiative is expected to boost our economy by up to $122 billion by 2040 and significantly reduce global carbon emissions.

We are also investing in STEM diversity, ensuring all Australians can benefit from these opportunities. With $38.2 million dedicated to supporting a skilled and diverse STEM workforce, we are opening doors for underrepresented groups to pursue careers in these growing industries.

Finally, we are also investing in the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation with $479.9 million to build a new medical manufacturing facility. This will ensure a reliable supply of affordable medicines for Australians, particularly benefiting those with cancer, brain disorders and heart disease. Our vision is clear: a prosperous, productive Australia that leaves no-one behind. With the National Battery Strategy, we are not just preparing for the future; we are creating it. Together, let us power Australia forward.


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