House debates

Wednesday, 5 June 2024


National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024; Consideration in Detail

12:36 pm

Photo of Kate ChaneyKate Chaney (Curtin, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

I move amendment (1), as circulated in the name of the member for Kooyong:

(1) Page 2 (after line 16), after clause 3, insert:

4 Review

(1) The Minister must cause an independent review of the amendments made by this Act to be conducted as soon as practicable after the end of the 5-year period starting on the day this Act receives the Royal Assent.

(2) The persons who conduct the review must:

(a) consult with the public in conducting the review; and

(b) give the Minister a written report of the review in sufficient time to enable the Minister to comply with subsection

(3) The Minister must cause a copy of the report of the review to be tabled in each House of the Parliament within 9 months after the end of that 5-year period.

Amendment (1) relates to requiring an independent review after a five-year period that involves consultation with the public, with a written report to be tabled within nine months. Given the scale of these changes and the importance of getting this right, it seems appropriate to consider the impact of these amendments and have a look at how they're actually working. This is a huge piece of legislation regarding a very expensive scheme. On that basis, I think it would be reasonable to have a review of how the changes to the scheme are working after that period.


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