House debates

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Statements by Members

Spence Electorate: Clothing and Footwear Industry

1:52 pm

Photo of Matt BurnellMatt Burnell (Spence, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

This Labor government is backing manufacturing and growth through a Future Made in Australia. One iconic brand, which I am proud to have operating in my electorate of Spence, is striving with this momentum. RM Williams, a familiar name in this building and definitely across Australia and the world, recently opened a new dedicated manufacturing line for women's boots. I had the pleasure of attending its official launch with RM Williams co-owner Dr Nicola Forrest AO of Tattarang at the famed RM Williams workshop in Salisbury.

Just 10 minutes from my electorate office, the new line alone has created 70 local manufacturing jobs and is part of a 60,000 square metre expansion of RM Williams's manufacturing space. Importantly still, this trailblazing initiative is empowering women to enter traditionally male dominated industries, crafting boots for women that are designed by women and are now being made by women on the new line. It means that doors are being opened for people like Chloe, a 23-year-old maker at the Salisbury workshop, who will soon become the company's first ever female mastercraft person. Chloe is part of RM Williams's growing local workforce, which has increased by a third since 2020.

I'm proud to see meaningful employment for those in our community to the benefit of our community. That is what a Future Made in Australia is all about—securing economic production in Australia for the good of all Australians. To Chloe, keep up the great work!


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