House debates

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Distinguished Visitors

North West Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils, Canberra Fellowships Program, Wurun Senior Campus, Australian Federal Police: Protective Service Officer

2:18 pm

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source

I'm pleased to inform the House that present in the gallery today is a delegation of mayors and deputy mayors from the North West Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils, a delegation from New Zealand visiting as part of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Canberra Fellowships Program and a group of legal studies students from Wurun Senior Campus. I'm also pleased to inform the House that present in my gallery today is Cleve, a long-term protection service officer whose work has taken him from Parliament House to Government House and the Lodge. Cleve was working at the Prime Minister's office here at the new Parliament House before this building even opened, where he continues to serve every day. Despite his long service, Cleve's never attended a question time until today. Welcome.

Honourable members: Hear, hear!


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