House debates

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Statements by Members

North-Sydney Electorate: Willoughby Girls High School

1:36 pm

Photo of Kylea TinkKylea Tink (North Sydney, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

Since becoming North Sydney's MP, I have learned a lot about the myriad of small communities that make the electorate of North Sydney such a rewarding and enriching place to live. One thing that has consistently stood out is how much education is valued and how fortunate we are to have so many wonderful schools in our community.

Today I'd like to make special mention of an important milestone for just one of our celebrated educational communities, that being the 90th anniversary of Willoughby Girls High School, the only comprehensive government girls school in the Lower North Shore of Sydney. Since 1934, this community, including principals, staff and parents, has nurtured, educated and inspired thousands of young women under the motto 'Courage, truth and loyalty'. These women include the highly respected and renowned Evonne Goolagong, Justice Ruth McColl of the Court of Appeal, and the legendary June Dally-Watkins. In addition to its widely acknowledged and celebrated high academic achievement, Willoughby Girls High School is proud of its diverse student body. I wholeheartedly congratulate principal Ms Adrienne Scalese, the teachers, and the P&C, who all work incredibly hard to support the school and help so many young women to reach their potential and enrich their communities in a variety of ways. The celebration last Saturday was no exception. I very much enjoyed meeting so many of both the current and past students and standing alongside incredible community leaders, department representatives, family and friends to mark this memorable occasion. I hope the best years for Willoughby Girls High School are yet to come.


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