House debates

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Statements by Members


1:55 pm

Photo of Jerome LaxaleJerome Laxale (Bennelong, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

The Leader of the Opposition, 674 days ago, announced his plans for a nuclear powered Australia. That's a really long time to have no detail, no sites, no costs and no plan. To put that amount of time in context, I thought I'd do a little web search and see what else it would take 674 days to go. Get this. It took 210 days for Jessica Watson to circumnavigate the world in her yacht. In 674 days, she could have done it three times and still had two weeks to spare. So it takes 210 days to circumnavigate the world, but the Leader of the Opposition can't even circumnavigate his own party room in 674 days. Pat Farmer is a great Australian. How long do you think he took to run around Australia? A thousand days? Eight hundred days? It was only 191 days.

While Pat Farmer can run around Australia, the Liberals are giving us the run-around. Their nuclear delusion is just another attempt to derail our transition to a net zero economy. In those same 674 days, Labor have boosted renewables in our grid by 25 per cent and we have cut emissions from the energy market to all-time lows. Labor is getting on with the job of decarbonising our economy while the Liberals are in a nuclear la-la land. It's time to put up or shut up on their nuclear fantasy once and for all.


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