House debates

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Questions without Notice


2:38 pm

Photo of Jim ChalmersJim Chalmers (Rankin, Australian Labor Party, Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source

As I understand it, I was asked what I would say to Stuart. What I would say to Stuart is that we understand that the economy is soft right now. We've said that on a number of occasions, even before this week's national accounts. That's why we're responding in the way that we are in the budget. I'd say to Stuart that if he wants the parliament to support small business then he should tell those opposite to vote for small business in the Senate when they're given that opportunity. I'd say Stuart—I'd remind Stuart—that, when it came time to support small business with energy bill relief, this side of the House voted for it, and that side of the House voted against it. I'd say to Stuart that the approach put forward by those opposite to slash and burn in the budget would be diabolical for small business in this country.

We are managing the economy in a responsible and a considered and a methodical way which is conscious of the conditions that small business and the broader Australian community are confronting right now. You can't say that for those opposite.


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