House debates

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Questions without Notice

Cost of Living: Regional Australia

2:42 pm

Photo of Ms Catherine KingMs Catherine King (Ballarat, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for Lingiari for her question and the great advocacy work she does in making sure that we spend and invest in infrastructure, particularly in the Northern Territory and in remote communities where we are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to build the infrastructure that the Northern Territory needs. As members from regional Australia, we do understand that people in our regions and across the country are under pressure at the moment. It is why the government's priority has been cost-of-living relief for Australians. It's why our budget is carefully designed to deliver cost-of-living relief, of course, without adding to inflation.

In just under a month, every single Australian taxpayer will receive a tax cut, putting more money back into their pockets. An apprentice in Bendigo on $53,000 a year will receive a tax cut of $1,000; a truckie in the Pilbara earning $77,000 a year will get a tax cut of $1,604; and a nurse in Tamworth earning $73,000 a year will get a tax cut of $1,504. Just like every taxpayer is getting a tax cut, from 1 July every household will get energy relief.


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