House debates

Monday, 24 June 2024


Petrie Electorate: Infrastructure, Bowel Cancer

7:30 pm

Photo of Luke HowarthLuke Howarth (Petrie, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source

I can see why as well. The issue is that the people won't forget the inaction of this government over the last nine years and particularly over the last six years. But, as your federal MP, I'll keep advocating for projects that you want.

Today, two wonderful bowel cancer warriors from my electorate came to visit and advocate about the impacts of this cruel disease. Rachel Bernardo and Jodie Elisara from Deception Bay were both diagnosed with bowel cancer in their 30s. They are beautiful young women who you wouldn't expect to get cancer at such a young age. I was shocked when they told me about their symptoms and the fact that they were dismissed by multiple GPs who said they were both too young and not to worry. This is the case for many young people who are later diagnosed with bowel cancer.

All the members of this House would know that bowel cancer is the deadliest cancer, and it's the sixth-leading cause of death overall for Australians aged 25 to 44. Early onset bowel cancer in people diagnosed younger than 50 years of age accounts for 11 per cent of all new diagnoses. Bowel Cancer Australia's Never2Young's advocacy agenda seeks to improve care experiences and health outcomes for younger people by championing: greater awareness; lowering the screening age from 50 to 45 and making sure that it's not opt-in but there for everyone; GP referrals for a colonoscopy for all young people who present with symptoms; improving pathways, better understanding of the challenges of early onset bowel cancer; and further research.

Too often, young Australians have died of bowel cancer—people that we care about. I lost a friend, Sam Gunsser, to bowel cancer two years ago; he was in his 40s. I encourage constituents, if they'd like, to make a donation to Bowel Cancer Australia. It's 100 per cent community funded. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. They can donate at


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