House debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Statements by Members

RAAF Base Edinburgh

4:40 pm

Photo of Matt BurnellMatt Burnell (Spence, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Last week it was great to visit RAAF Base Edinburgh, located in my electorate of Spence, alongside the Minister for Defence Personnel. That afternoon spent on base, the minister and I shared a barbecue lunch with our 1st Armoured Regiment. I'd especially like to thank Brigadier Tim Orders for his hospitality and, indeed, everyone out there for sharing some feedback and taking some time to have a chat about some of their experiences, particularly those involving the live-fire exercise that recently occurred up at the Cultana training range.

I'm so proud of the work that they and all others stationed at RAAF Base Edinburgh perform as part of their service, with distinction, to our country—a service that forms part of the proud history of the respective units and squadrons of RAAF Base Edinburgh, which earlier this year celebrated its 70th anniversary, back in March. It will be a sad day to see these troops leave RAAF Base Edinburgh in the near future as speaking with them helped to brighten a very dreary afternoon in Adelaide. I'm sure the member for Solomon and the member for Herbert, whose electorates most will be redeployed to, will agree with all I've had to say about 1st Armoured Regiment once they have had the chance to meet them once they've settled in. In closing, to each and every one of our service men and women across the country in the ADF, thank you for your service.


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