House debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Private Members' Business

Local Government

5:21 pm

Photo of Gordon ReidGordon Reid (Robertson, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

The federal Labor government understands that strong communities must have strong local governments, and that is why the Australian government is making significant investments into local governments right across Australia. My local government, the Central Coast Council, has received an increase in its funding thanks to the federal Labor government. The Central Coast region will benefit from the federal Labor government's increase to the Roads to Recovery Program, with Central Coast Council receiving $24.39 million over the next five years, which is $10.53 million more than it was forecast to receive under the previous Liberal government.

As a government, we understand how important it is that local governments across the country, especially in regional and rural areas, have the resources to address local infrastructure needs. In my region, the No. 1 issue that is raised with me is local road infrastructure. While I am regularly doorknocking or calling into my community, people invariably discuss potholes, crumbling road infrastructure, lack of footpaths, kerb and guttering, and drainage. These deficiencies are a direct result of a decade of Liberal and National governments; exacerbating this matter was an ineffective former member for Roberston.

I'm proud to have also secured $40 million for Central Coast Council under the Central Coast Roads Package. This funding is already helping council address local priority roads that require renewal. In total, 45 local Central Coast roads will receive road renewal works thanks to this pool of funding from the Commonwealth government. To date, Rickard Road in Empire Bay, a road that was crumbling apart under the formal Liberal government, has been churned up and resealed—a welcome relief for the community living along this road and for those motorists who frequent the suburb. Similarly, Scenic Road at MacMasters Beach, a road with atrocious conditions that were again ignored by the formal Liberal member, has now been churned and resealed.

Our government is not only helping local governments repair, renew and rebuild local roads; we are also helping provide the supporting community infrastructure that complements local roads like footpaths. In the 2024-25 federal budget, I was pleased to note that the department of infrastructure's new Active Transport Fund has been established. This $100 million program will help upgrade and deliver new bicycle and walking paths right across Australia. This will support zero emissions travel, provide a safer environment for cyclists and pedestrians and promote active and liveable communities. Safe and accessible active transport options like walking and cycling help boost social connection, help promote healthy choices and make our cities and regions a more vibrant place to live.

In my electorate I will be strongly advocating to the Australian government for this, particularly for the residents of the peninsula, including the suburbs of Woy Woy, Umina Beach, Ettalong Beach, Booker Bay and Blackwall, who for too long have been overlooked by former governments when it comes to community infrastructure. Likewise for Avoca Beach, where I'm continuing to support the local community's campaign to secure a shared pathway along Avoca Drive from the Scenic Highway roundabout to Heazlett Park. Already over 2,000 people have signed our petition calling for this shared pathway, with that figure continuing to grow daily.

The federal Labor government is also assisting Central Coast Council to renew and refurbish local sporting facilities right across the region. In particular, I am pleased that the Commonwealth government has provided the council with funding to renew the clubhouse at Frost Reserve in Kincumber. This is because the clubhouse is no longer fit for purpose and lacks the functionality required of a modern sporting facility. The progress of this project is ongoing, and the demolition and construction is earmarked to commence once plans are finalised with relevant stakeholders.

In the 2024-25 federal budget the government announced a range of cost-of-living measures for every Australian, which includes ratepayers right across this country, in local government areas like the Central Coast. From 1 July every Australian household will receive a $300 energy rebate to help with energy costs. This assistance also includes $325 rebates for eligible small businesses. From 1 July every Australian taxpayer will receive a tax cut. In Robertson, that represents 66,000 taxpayers who will receive a tax cut of an average of $1,580. Our tax cut will help deliver a bigger tax cut for Middle Australia to help with the cost of living. In my electorate 56,000 people, 85 per cent, will be better off under our tax cuts. The facts are there. The federal Labor government supports our local governments whether they be in the bush, on the coast or in the city.


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