House debates

Tuesday, 25 June 2024


Governor-General Amendment (Salary) Bill 2024; Second Reading

1:07 pm

Photo of Andrew HastieAndrew Hastie (Canning, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Defence) Share this | Hansard source

Earlier this year, the Prime Minister announced that Samantha Mostyn would take up the reins as Australia's 28th Governor-General on 1 July 2024, following on from the announced retirement of His Excellency General the Hon. David Hurley AC, DSC.

As section 3 of the Australian Constitution requires that 'The salary of a Governor-General shall not be altered during his continuance in office,' it is pertinent that the Governor-General Amendment (Salary) Bill 2024 is legislated prior to Ms Mostyn's swearing-in as Australia's 28th Governor-General next Monday. It is a longstanding practice that the Governor-General's salary is set slightly above the expected average annual salary of the Chief Justice of the High Court over the notional five-year term. The salary proposed in the bill sets a payment of $709,017 per annum for the Governor-General. The coalition will provide passage for this bill to ensure that this practice can be met.

The coalition wishes Ms Mostyn the very best in her appointment and thanks His Excellency General the Hon. David Hurley AC, DSC for his excellent service to our country.


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