House debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Housing Affordability

3:31 pm

Photo of Julie CollinsJulie Collins (Franklin, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Small Business) Share this | Hansard source

My colleague is talking about the build-to-rent legislation. This is important legislation that will get more affordable rentals on the ground in Australia. We have been consulting with the industry and the sector about getting particularly some overseas pension funds to build more affordable rentals in Australia, like they do everywhere else. The UK changed their policies around build to rent, and they have seen great success in getting more affordable rentals on the ground. We need to see more of that in Australia because we need more homes of every type.

We're getting accused of locking people into rentals by those opposite. We're being accused by the Greens party of not doing enough social and affordable homes. We're doing all the above, all of it, all at once. We have a comprehensive plan. It's called the Homes for Australia Plan. It's $32 billion in new initiatives. It includes direct funding for social and affordable homes, funding for states and territories for enabling infrastructure, and incentive payments for states and territories to do the right thing and to change their laws. We need to get more homes for Australians that need them.


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