House debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024



10:17 am

Photo of Kristy McBainKristy McBain (Eden-Monaro, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories) Share this | Hansard source

On this side of the House, we believe in a pragmatic transition. You cannot do everything overnight but green-lighting 54 renewable energy projects means we on this side of the House are getting on with the job of helping Australians bring down emissions, making sure we are dealing with what we have in front of us, helping manufacturing businesses, helping small businesses in our community, and bringing down electricity prices for households by making sure we get more renewable energy into the grid.

This is a serious transition which calls for a serious and pragmatic approach and that's what you get when you get a Labor Party in government—a pragmatic approach—not one of delay and denial, not one that would see the lights turned off overnight, one that is pragmatic. That's what the Labor Party does and that's what we will continue to do with projects like this.


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