House debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024


Treasury Laws Amendment (Responsible Buy Now Pay Later and Other Measures) Bill 2024, Capital Works (Build to Rent Misuse Tax) Bill 2024; Second Reading

5:53 pm

Photo of Andrew WallaceAndrew Wallace (Fisher, Liberal National Party) Share this | Hansard source

It's $25,000 after tax. For the sake of the maths, let's call it $24,000. That's $2,000 a month after tax, over and above what they were paying when the coalition was in government, that the average mum and dad have got to find to make their mortgage repayments.

An opposition member: Go and get a second job and pay 50 per cent tax!

No, it's not just a matter of getting a second job. It's a matter of maybe even getting a third job.

Then you've got to look at what this is doing to the fabric of families. When I'm out there doorknocking at homes in my electorate—and I'm sure the same goes for all members in this House—people are really badly hurting. They are hurting, and they are angry that they've been sold a pup. They were promised cheaper mortgages. The Prime Minister, during the election campaign, stood up and said 'Support me, vote for me, and I'll ensure you'll have cheaper mortgages.' That's what he said. Let's call it $24,000; let's do a bit of a discount. It's $24,000 a year after tax. Where did that promise go? Then of course he promised Australians that they would be paying $275 a year less in energy bills. How did that one go?


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