House debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Statements by Members

Assange, Mr Julian Paul

1:31 pm

Photo of Josh WilsonJosh Wilson (Fremantle, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Julian Assange is free. Only a few hours ago, following a brief court process on the island of Saipan, Mr Assange was able to walk free after 14 years without liberty. He is free now to return home and free to stand as an Australian citizen on Australian soil, maybe to walk barefoot on an Australian beach, but most importantly to hug his wife and children and to be with his family and friends.

The momentum towards this incredibly welcome and just outcome has been building over the last couple of years, but, without doubt, the decisive element has been the approach of this Australian government and the leadership of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. The PM and the foreign minister have worked carefully and steadily with clarity and resolution in pressing for an end to the incarceration of Julian Assange. Today that long-awaited outcome came true.

I'm glad to have shared the work of the parliamentary group that's fought for Julian's freedom. I acknowledge all the parliamentarians who have been part of that effort, demonstrated by the letter signed by 63 members and senators that was published in the Washington Post last year and by the motion that was supported in this chamber only a few months ago.

I say to all Australians who have lifted their voice in support of Julian Assange: thank you. Activism matters. We hear you. You've made a difference.


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