House debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Statements by Members

Cook Electorate: E-bikes

1:41 pm

Simon Kennedy (Cook, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Many local residents have been in touch with me about the use of e-bikes in my electorate. These bikes are capable of going 50 kilometres an hour without pedalling. They're ridden down pedestrian footpaths and in pedestrian-only places like Cronulla mall. They're causing bad injuries. Only three weeks ago a three-year-old boy in my electorate had his leg clean broken in half.

This is not about banning then. It's about: how can we use them safely? Currently, there's no minimum age requirement for New South Wales. Also, primary school children can ride them as fast as 50 kilometres an hour down the footpath. It's also about importation. Bikes over 250 kilowatts cannot be imported. But we have many bikes in my electorate that are 500 kilowatts that are being imported without any importation licences or importation approvals. This requires the government to enforce federal laws.

Lastly, there needs to be education. I don't blame the kids. These bikes look like fun, but they need to be educated on legal bikes and how to use them safely. Active transport and e-bikes can be a great thing but only if they're used safely. That's why, this Friday on 28 June at 10:30 am, I am hosting a community forum for locals in my electorate with e-bikes, with the Sutherland Shire Council and with the peak body cycling organisation, We Ride Australia. Please see the link in my Facebook and on my website.


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