House debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Questions without Notice

Cost of Living

3:09 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for Maranoa, the Leader of the National Party, for his question. Indeed, we recognise many Australians are doing it tough. People who are on a fixed income, particularly if they're retired and pensioners, do it tough in Australian society. That's why the support you spoke about, if they're in Queensland—not just the $300 energy bill relief; that will be on top of the relief the Queensland government announced in its budget just a short time ago. That will bring that support to well over $1,000 as a result. In addition to that, I have spoken to people in the great state of Queensland—I'll say that just once today, given circumstances later this evening! I've spoken to people who have an energy bill of zero as a result of the support of state and federal governments to make an enormous difference.

The second thing is people who are pensioners will be far more likely to need pharmaceuticals than you or myself. The difference it's made in having the reduction, firstly, from 1 January last year, of $42.50 down to $30—and in addition to that, the freeze will make an enormous difference. On top of that, 60-day dispensing, which literally cuts costs in half, has made an enormous difference to our older Australians who rely upon pharmaceuticals for various health conditions. In addition to that, one of the things the health minister has done regularly is list pharmaceuticals in regular use—not wait but list at regular intervals—to make a substantial difference, so they can receive that support.

We understand cost-of-living pressures are the No. 1 priority, and that's precisely why we've put in place measures that are designed to put that downward pressure on inflation. That also makes a difference, and that's why as well—I know the Leader of the National Party wants divestment of supermarkets, but that's why we regarded that as not being an appropriate response. Dr Emerson's report made it clear as well that we have a mandating rather than a voluntary code of conduct—something that was never done by those opposite. They sat there—


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