House debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024


Lachlan Macquarie Institute, McCallum, Mr Luke, Parliamentary Friends of Nutrition

4:44 pm

Photo of David SmithDavid Smith (Bean, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I would like to acknowledge the work of the Lachlan Macquarie Institute. The institute is an organisation that raises up Christian leaders to engage in the political sphere. The institute offers three-month residential programs twice a year, in autumn and summer, that equip leaders in foundations of theology, history, political theories, law, government, and public policy. They also provide training in debating, public speaking, media training and negotiation training, which further provide fellows the opportunity to hone their practical skills. The LMI's mission statement is centred on the premise of wise Christian leadership and seeking to make decisions for the common good.

A current fellow in the autumn program is an intern in my office for the week, Mary Fernandez, who has come from Brisbane and, on top of the learnings above, is now experiencing a real winter. From Mary's perspective, this program has been a significantly transformative experience. She has gained an understanding of the importance of how Christianity intersects with the public sphere. She has received an invaluable opportunity, gaining a better understanding of the ideas that shape our world and what it means to be a wise leader. I thank her for joining and contributing to my team here at Parliament House this week, and I wish her well for her future endeavours.

Earlier this month I had the privilege of meeting Luke McCallum, who's currently representing Australia at the 2024 warrior games. The US Department of Defense Warrior Games brings together hundreds of wounded, ill and injured active-duty and veteran military members to compete in adapted sports as part of their recovery journeys.

Luke joined the Royal Australian Navy in 1997, four weeks after his 17th birthday. He served for almost 20 years as a communications and information systems sailor. His service took him on operations all over the world, including the Solomon Islands, East Timor and the Middle East, and on border protection duties around the approaches to Australia from 2001 until 2005. His service came at a great physical cost. Collective injuries deteriorated to the point that an infection in his right leg got into the bone, necessitating a below-knee amputation. But, through sport, Luke has not let this stop him.

As I speak, Luke is currently competing for Australia, and I'm pleased to inform the House that as of today Luke had already won two silver medals in his indoor rowing events, with three more days of competition to go. I congratulate Luke on his performance so far and I look forward to catching up with him to hear all about this when he returns to Australia.

Earlier this week the Parliamentary Friends of Nutrition came together to discuss healthy lunch boxes for kids. It was great to see participation from the members for Fowler and Hunter—there's a contrast!—as well as Senator Colbeck in packing a healthy kids lunch and being judged by the very serious Miss Sienna. The broader event discussed the importance of healthy food choices in the context of early childhood education and care. Dietitians Australia have emphasised the importance of providing healthy food options for children in early childhood and education care settings.

I'd like to remind the House of three important tips for better school lunch box nutrition: (1) look for the health star rating displayed on the front of food packages and select products with a high rating; (2) keep food safe by using an insulated lunch box and packing in an ice brick; and, finally, make the lunch box fun and interesting, doing small things like making fun-shaped sandwiches, fruit or vegetables—potentially advice that we could bring into this parliament as well! But, seriously, if we can address nutritional issues at an early age, we can set children up for a healthier adulthood, and that's something that we should all be supporting in this House.


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