House debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024


Advisers in the Federation Chamber

9:30 am

Photo of Sharon ClaydonSharon Claydon (Newcastle, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I would like to make some comments about the proper conduct of advisers in the Federation Chamber. The roped-off gallery areas to my left and right in this chamber may be accessed by advisers to members and ministers. Advisers may enter through the doors adjacent to the galleries only, not through the doors reserved for members, and may not intrude onto the floor of the Federation Chamber at any time. Under no circumstances are advisers to seek the attention of a member or minister personally—for example, by calling out. The proper process is for advisers to pass any messages to members through the attendants or for members to approach their advisers. I have asked the staff of this chamber to assist in maintaining those standards, and they have my full support in doing so. Members are responsible for the behaviour of their respective advisers, and I ask that they ensure their advisers understand these rules. If advisers do not comply with the rules, I will withdraw their right to access the advisers' seating in the Federation Chamber.


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