House debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Constituency Statements

Moore Electorate: Neil Hawkins Park

10:32 am

Photo of Ian GoodenoughIan Goodenough (Moore, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I refer to the government's recently announced Thriving Suburbs Program and Urban Precincts and Partnerships Program and nominate a very worthy project in my electorate: Neil Hawkins Park, a regional recreation park within the city of Joondalup. It is a popular recreational area for local residents living in Joondalup's CBD, as well as being a gathering point for the wider northern suburbs community, as it forms part of the greater Yellagonga Regional Park. Located adjacent to Lake Joondalup, it is widely used by cyclists, runners and families for recreation and picnics.

Neil Hawkins Park was first developed approximately 30 years ago, and the park infrastructure is nearing the end of its useful life. The City of Joondalup is currently investigating options to renew and redevelop the park to cater for future community needs. There are plans for a new destination play space, featuring all-abilities play equipment and shade sails. This will be complemented by other recreational amenities, including accessible barbecues, picnic shelters, bench seating and drinking fountains—together with a universal-access footpath network with educational and wayfinding signage, lighting and CCTV; additional tree planting; landscaping; and artwork. In addition, the city is investigating the feasibility of building a cafe or restaurant within the site to further enhance the activation of this regional recreation park.

The estimated total cost of the project is $14 million. It is anticipated that the development of a business case will commence in August, followed by design, community consultation and procurement, with construction scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2026-27. The city seeks federal funding support under the Thriving Suburbs Program and the Urban Precincts and Partnerships Program, which are designed to fund planning and investment in our cities and suburbs to ensure more people have access to important community infrastructure.

This project has significant merit. In February, the Prime Minister declared that Moore is now a key seat following the change in political dynamics. Moore matters even more now. Accordingly, we extend an invitation to the minister for infrastructure to visit Neil Hawkins Park and favourably consider federal support for the redevelopment proposal by the City of Joondalup.


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