House debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024


Creative Australia Amendment (Implementation of Revive) Bill 2024; Second Reading

10:51 am

Photo of Zali SteggallZali Steggall (Warringah, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

I welcome the opportunity to make some further comments in relation to the Creative Australia Amendment (Implementation of Revive) Bill 2024. We know that, for so many artists in Australia, it is incredibly difficult to make a living. We know that it would have got harder throughout the recent years, with COVID, but, generally, we know that they are well below the national average when it comes to income. It is incredibly difficult, despite them contributing so much to our national identity and our culture, to our children and their understanding of our country, our traditions and our multiculturalism—all these aspects are incredibly important—and, in particular, to us understanding and having better awareness of First Nations cultural traditions and art. We know, for example, that artists in Australia are generally unable to work full-time in creative work because the income from this work is simply not sufficient. Only one in 10 artists can work full-time in the arts. Two out of five working artists need to meet their basic living costs by additional work.

In 2022, the Productivity Commission found that the sale of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art, including souvenirs, was worth $250 million annually, supporting thousands of jobs in remote communities and helping to draw more tourists to Australia and create more awareness of those First Australians. So it's incredibly important to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and their art in that way. Unfortunately, though, according to Creative Australia, there is no single source of representative data on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and their working conditions. That's simply not good enough, and it's symptomatic of the way in which we don't take First Nations artists as seriously as we should—or haven't, to date. I certainly hope that, with this legislation, that is going to change.

The bill before us will help to start to turn that around and give more support to and certainty for First Nations artists. The bill—and I will support it—will create two new bodies within Creative Australia: First Nations Arts and also Writing Australia. First Nations Arts will have autonomy over the allocation of its funds for investment in First Nations arts. It will be guided by First Nations cultural protocols and principles, to support and invest in a diverse range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts practice and provide financial assistance, whether by way of loan, grant, investment, award or otherwise, as it sees fit, and whether on commercial terms or otherwise.

Separately, Writing Australia will support and promote the Australian literature sector, including the development of markets and audiences. We know the importance of stories, and, too often, when we've spoken of the arts, the literature sector has been overlooked and writers have been left to really fend for themselves. So this amendment, to create Writing Australia, is welcome.

We know we have a lot of work to do to better support the arts in Australia, particularly First Nations artists. We're already starting to see some good outcomes from investment in Australia's creative sector. Of course, we need to remember that, within the philanthropic sector, philanthropy has always been a huge contributor to the arts. I very much thank all those that are in a position to, through philanthropy, assist in that development and that continuation. I know there are many within my community in Warringah that invest in the future of that cultural aspect and storytelling.

Creative Australia is already making its mark in supporting First Nations artists. We know 23 artists, including Emma Donovan, Dan Sultan, Jungaji, Buddy Knox, Lucas Proudfoot and Selve, are already set to receive contemporary music touring grants. It has been encouraging to see the government's focus on genuine community input through the First Nations First national consultations. It's the sort of genuine engagement with First Nations people around Australia that my community in Warringah want to see. In Warringah, my constituents showed one of the strongest levels of support for the Voice referendum in the country, for the recognition of First Nations people—First Australians—in our Constitution.

I strongly believe in Indigenous peoples' self-determination and the opportunity to have much stronger representation. It's positive that there appears to be a genuine effort by the government in its commitment to listen, to take on feedback and to provide First Nations peoples with an opportunity to be active participants in decision-making within First Nations art. Increased participation in the arts will also provide employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, which will allow strong economic participation and development of First Nations artists in their communities.

I should note, though—I am concerned about this—that the multicultural aspect of Australia cannot be overlooked. When I think of Writing Australia, for example, it needs to make sure that, when look at applications and at supporting artists and writers, it has in its mind's eye an awareness of our multicultural nature in Australia. There are many stories to tell, many backgrounds and many cultures, and we must make sure that we actually reflect that through that funding of so many bodies and that we reflect the true nature of our communities, which are part of an incredibly successful multicultural nation. I hope that through all these bodies there is rightly a focus on that First Nations arts piece. We must make sure that all other funding and bodies keep an eye on and make sure that they have that principle of multiculturalism as well and that that be recognised.

To finish off, this bill represents essential steps towards revitalising an industry consistently undermined by budget cuts in previous years. Too often people think the arts are something that's a 'nice to have' not a 'must have'. But, in fact, when we look back and think of what it is to be Australian, what our national identity is and what our culture is, it is so often contributed to by the arts. Many in Warringah and around Australia are, I know, incredibly proud of Australian artists and what they do, how they represent Australia on the international scene and how they tell our stories through all the different mediums. I commend this bill to the House.


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