House debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Statements by Members

Pacific Region

1:30 pm

Photo of Michael McCormackMichael McCormack (Riverina, National Party, Shadow Minister for International Development and the Pacific) Share this | Hansard source

Tomorrow I will have the distinct pleasure of launching the Asia-Pacific Development Diplomacy and Defence Dialogue's paper about the importance of youth, civil society and media in the Pacific. If there's one thing I agree on with the Prime Minister it's the fact that Australia is the Pacific nations' partner of choice. Indeed, the opposition leader said so in a similar line just yesterday.

I first want to thank everyone involved in delivering this report, particularly the executive director, Melissa Conley Tyler, and express my appreciation to AP4D for the valuable work it does in providing that platform, which is so important for experts from a range of sectors to share insights. We live in very challenging times in the Pacific—we know that. Multiple dynamics are at play in the region: climate, economic disruption, changes in demography and geopolitical competition all have the potential to significantly impact upon our region. It's a very contested space. This paper, to be released tomorrow, is the culmination of many months of consultations with experts right across the region, and I very much look forward to helping to launch it.

Australia and the Pacific share a vision for a peaceful, resilient and prosperous region. It's too important not to share that vision. Securing this future for the blue Pacific can't be left to chance; it requires long-term vision, strategy and commitment, and I was so pleased that this week we hosted Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Jeremiah Manele.


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