House debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Statements by Members

Cost of Living

1:52 pm

Photo of Sam RaeSam Rae (Hawke, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

This morning, the Liberal shadow minister for home affairs appeared on Sky News to discuss fiscal recklessness. Kudos to Sky News for getting him on, because I can't think of a more qualified group of people to talk about fiscal recklessness than the Liberal Party opposite. After all, it was the Liberals who oversaw the accumulation of a trillion dollars of Liberal debt, deliberately suppressed wage growth for a decade and who presided over the worst decade of productivity in over half a century. Now it's the Liberals in opposition trying to goad the Reserve Bank into more rate rises, to put more pressure on Australian households, to serve their own political interests. In fact, the Leader of the Opposition has said, 'People are talking about one or two more interest rate increases.' 'People'—these people are mostly members of the Liberal Party with an Angus-esque grasp on economic reality.

While the Liberals opposite are plotting economic pain for Australians, the Albanese Labor government is getting on with delivering responsible economic relief to household budgets. From next week, every Australian taxpayer will receive a tax cut, a saving of an average of 1,500 bucks per person per year. From next week, every Australian household will start receiving $300 in power bill relief. From next week, minimum wage earners will receive a pay rise of 3.75 per cent—nearly $150 a week for full-time workers.

The Albanese Labor government's economic plan is putting downward pressure on inflation and providing cost-of-living relief. We want people to earn more and keep more of what they earn. (Time expired)


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