House debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Questions without Notice


2:31 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for Dawson for his question that goes to cost-of-living measures and the impact it has on people in his community. What we know is that every single person working in that community and paying tax will get a bigger tax cut on Monday as a result of the measures that we've put in place.

The member for Dawson also knows that those opposite, on his team, said that it would crush confidence, it would obliterate opportunity, it would undermine the strength of the economy and it was Marxist economics to give everyone a tax cut. We are getting wages moving again, but you voted against every single measure we put in place to ensure wages got moving. The coalition claimed that it would return Australia to the Dark Ages, it would close down the economy and it would leave supermarket shelves bare.

On cheaper medicines, you voted six times in the Senate to stop it, to stop cheaper medicines. Not surprising, given, as health minister, the opposition leader wanted to jack up the price of essential medicines by $5 a script. When we strengthened Medicare by tripling bulk-billing incentives, the shadow health minister dismissed the initiative and opposed it. There was opposition to cheaper child care as well.

And now our energy price relief plan—


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