House debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Statements by Members

Chinese Taipei School Sport Federation

1:30 pm

Photo of Bert Van ManenBert Van Manen (Forde, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

As we all know in this House, sport is one of the great unifiers and a great way to break down barriers, to build relationships and to better understand culture. What better way is there than to travel 7½ thousand kilometres away to Taiwan and compete in an international tournament hosted by the Chinese Taipei School Sport Federation? That's exactly what Coomera Anglican College from my electorate of Forde did recently. The team, led by coach Frank Goldfinch, assistant coach Christiaan van Peppen and manager Anthony Hall, included a talented roster of 12 players, in years 9 to 11. The students participated in the opening ceremony and attended a gala dinner, where they performed their college war cry. A representative of the school said: 'This journey allowed our athletes to engage in diverse cultural programs and ceremonial festivities, broadening their horizons both on and off the court. The boys had the time of their lives, made new friends and experienced another country's culture. The experience has considerably contributed to their personal and athletic growth.' What an incredible experience for these students to undertake. It provided them with a chance not only to compete at a high level but to experience what sport has the great power to bring right across the world. Congratulations to everyone involved.


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