House debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Questions without Notice

Cost Of Living

2:29 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for Moncrieff for her question. In her electorate 88,000 taxpayers will get a tax cut—88,000! The member for Moncrieff dismisses that, saying it doesn't matter, saying it won't make a difference. I hope the member for Moncrieff writes to her constituents—all 88,000 of them—and says, 'The tax cut that you just got will make no difference whatsoever to you.' I hope that the member for Moncrieff also says to those in her electorate who, as part of the 2.6 million Australians on minimum or award wages, got a wage increase as well as a tax cut: 'That's irrelevant. That doesn't matter. You don't deserve it.' We know that they voted against it and said that they'd roll it back, and before last Thursday they said they would reimpose the tax cuts that were going to benefit the member for Moncrieff, me and everyone else in this chamber, at the expense of hard-working people—cleaners, aged-care workers and people working in supermarkets—who were going to simply miss out, get nothing whatsoever.


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