House debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Questions without Notice

Live Animal Exports

2:36 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I reiterate that I met with these people not just yesterday; I've met with them in Western Australia, in Kalgoorlie.

The deputy opposition leader had this to say: the industry has had 'countless second chances' to improve conditions, but 'exporters do not comply with the rules' because 'regulations written on paper in Australia cease to mean anything once the ship departs'. She was asked last year—last year, the same position—and she said:

… we actually don't need this trade at all. … of course I stand by what I presented in the parliament.

Senator Sarah Henderson said this: 'If any person in Australia crams sheep into a transport vehicle for 25 days in the searing heat, that person will be charged with animal cruelty.' Of course, there's the member for La Trobe, another key member of their frontbench, who said:

If you had a dog in a car all day in hot conditions, the owners would be charged with animal cruelty, yet it is OK for … a thousand sheep to go into international waters, suffer heat stress, suffer lack of ventilation, suffer lack of water and die in cruel, inhumane conditions. To me that is not acceptable.

I suggest the member talk to his colleagues. (Time expired)


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