House debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Questions without Notice

Live Animal Exports

2:36 pm

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source

The issue with direct relevance, as we deal with this in most weeks in question time is that, if the Prime Minister wasn't talking about live sheep exports, if he wasn't talking about the government's decision and if he wasn't talking about the commentary around it, of course he wouldn't be being directly relevant. And, yes, I know you'd like a one-word answer, but, as we have done many times, the standing orders don't provide for that. There are options to provide that. No-one's taken me up on the offer to ensure that could happen. So, whilst the standing orders exist as they are and the Prime Minister is being directly relevant to the topic—and I think he's quoting another member of parliament regarding the issue—I'm left with no other choice than to make sure that he remains on topic. But if he strays off the topic—


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