House debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Questions without Notice


2:55 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I'm speaking about what our plans have been to build more homes. The build-to-rent tax incentives that were passed in the House of Representatives and blocked in the Senate last week—so you're against more social homes. You're against more private rentals, and the argument for voting against build to rent was that developers would build the homes. That was the argument that the Greens political party put out. Surprise, surprise, developers build homes! That's the way that it works, and that's what the build-to-rent scheme was about.

They of course also opposed our rental scheme, but, just so you don't think it's just about less social homes and less private rentals; it's also against more homeownership, because we have our Help to Buy scheme over there in the Senate again. It's shared equity scheme that has been implemented in the past—previous coalition governments introduced them in various places and supported them, particularly in Western Australia—but they're opposed to that as well. They support homes, except for public housing, except for private housing and homeownership, and except for private rentals. Apart from that, they're all for it!


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