House debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Albanese Government

3:21 pm

Photo of Angus TaylorAngus Taylor (Hume, Liberal Party, Shadow Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source

He's remaking capitalism right now, let me tell you! He is remaking capitalism right now, because inflation is going up in this country and it's going down in every other major advanced country in the world. During that time period we're also going to see the Reserve Bank meet again, and they'll be making an incredibly important decision. They will be deciding whether or not to raise rates—there's no sign that they're going to go down. They will also be deciding whether we're going to have higher rates for longer. And the one thing we can be confident of is that, under this Treasurer, under this government, we're going to have higher rates for longer.

Before the last budget we said there were three tests for the budget. That means there are three tests for the winter break, because they didn't pass any of those tests with their failed budget. The first is to restore Australians' standard of living back to where it was before they came to government—


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