House debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Albanese Government

4:11 pm

Cameron Caldwell (Fadden, Liberal National Party) Share this | Hansard source

I've been here five minutes, and I can see already how incompetent you all are. So here's the lesson. When you spend an extra $315 billion over two years, the economy can overheat. This causes Jimflation to spike. So, when inflation goes up, what that means is that the cost of everything is going up for every Australian. On the other hand, if you use some self-control, inflation tends to stay lower. On this side of the House, what we know is that high inflation is very, very bad for the everyday Australian. This Labor government isn't fooling anyone when it tries to spin inflation as being a worldwide phenomenon. It's not. Other major economies are seeing relief in inflation while ours, here in Australia, is homegrown and continues to skyrocket.

Australians deserve better than this. Families and small businesses shouldn't be struggling this hard. What those opposite fail to understand is that inflation hits people hard at home. It's an amount of money that is continuing to grow. The costs are going up exponentially. This is what happens—four per cent on four per cent on four per cent. It's really not that hard to understand why people can't afford groceries and why they can't afford their power bills.


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