House debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Albanese Government

4:11 pm

Cameron Caldwell (Fadden, Liberal National Party) Share this | Hansard source

My friend opposite has made a very good use of the word 'compounding'. Let's use that. Four per cent plus four per cent plus four per cent—what's happening? Prices are going up. Australians, quite frankly, cannot afford this Labor government. They deserve better. They were promised that power prices were going down.

Here's another little bit of maths, and perhaps those opposite can help out: you promised that power bills would go down by $275, and instead they have gone up by $1,000. Should we work this out? If in fact they have gone up by $1,000 a year in the last two years, is that anything relevant to a $275 promise for them to go down? No. It's going in completely the wrong direction.

Australians are paying 20 per cent more in personal tax, and this is the part where it really hurts Australian families. Homeowners with a typical mortgage of about $750,000 are nearly $35,000 worse off after tax. The levels of damage achieved by this Albanese Labor government over the past two years are astonishing, but it's heartbreaking for Australians, because they can't afford the incompetence of this government. They look forward to the next election to return a coalition government who will be responsible economic managers.


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