House debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Questions without Notice


2:15 pm

Photo of Julie CollinsJulie Collins (Franklin, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Small Business) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for Clark for his question. I understand where he is coming from with his question and his concern for the people of Tasmania who are struggling with housing challenges. Indeed, I share his concern in terms of what is happening in Tasmania with housing. But I want to reassure the member for Clark that the inference of his question is actually not true. No state or territory is going backwards in funding under the new agreement. None. That is not including all the additional money as well, which is part of our $32 billion Homes for Australia Plan.

I say to the member, I have been working very closely with the Tasmanian state government. Since our election, we've provided more than $145 million to Tasmania for homelessness services and to build more homes. Under Housing Australia, with the housing accord and the Housing Australia Future Fund, Tasmania, as one of the smaller jurisdictions, will be getting at least 1,200 homes on top of that funding. So Tasmania will be getting our fair share, let me assure you of that, as will other states and territories.

I had the opportunity, just a few weeks ago, to go and announce 15 new social homes with the Tasmanian minister, Felix Ellis, in Berriedale, in the member's electorate. Standing next to me, the Tasmanian Liberal minister, Felix Ellis, said, 'The federal government has provided significant new funds.' These homes are, of course, being supported by the $50 million we provided to the Tasmanian government through the social housing—


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