House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024


Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024; Consideration in Detail

5:45 pm

Photo of Monique RyanMonique Ryan (Kooyong, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

I move the amendment circulated in my name:

(1) Page 2 (after line 12), after clause 3, insert:

4 Review of the operation of Part 7 of Schedule 1 (about enrolment limits)

(1) The Minister must cause a review to be conducted of the operation of the amendments made by Part 7 of Schedule 1 to this Act.

(2) The Minister must ensure that:

(a) the review is conducted by an independent expert; and

(b) the independent expert has access to all relevant information from the Department and providers.

(3) Without limiting the matters that may be considered when conducting the review, the review must consider:

(a) the impact on providers of the enrolment limits resulting from the amendments; and

(b) the impact of those enrolment limits on net overseas migration to Australia and housing availability; and

(c) the impact of those enrolment limits on the quality of education offered to international and local students.

(4) The review must commence in the first 6 months of 2026.

(5) The independent expert must give the Minister a written report of the review within 6 months of the commencement of the review.

(6) The Minister must cause a copy of the report of the review to be tabled in each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the Minister receives the report.

There's no doubt that there are significant and systemic issues with the quality of education provided at many institutions in this country, and the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024 may well improve the integrity of education for secondary and tertiary international students in Australia. However, it also reflects a disappointing failure by the Albanese government to withstand Peter Dutton's negative politicking on immigration numbers. This failure places our tertiary education sector in particular—


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