House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024


Future Made in Australia Bill 2024, Future Made in Australia (Omnibus Amendments No. 1) Bill 2024; Second Reading

6:31 pm

Photo of Rob MitchellRob Mitchell (McEwen, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

That was an interesting 25 minutes that we'll never get back! You would think that a shadow minister would come in here and talk about a bill, talk about a policy and talk about what they would do. But all we had was 21 minutes of self-reflection and carry-on, complaining about other members of parliament. I did laugh when I heard the member talk about his experience in manufacturing. I looked up his bio. He's never worked in manufacturing. So we had 15 minutes of self-reflection and yet the member opposite has never worked in manufacturing. The only time he has done anything in manufacturing is being in a government that watched 60,000 jobs go offshore in one hit. Every single one of them sat there and watched the end of the automotive industry, one of the largest industries in this nation that had produced great cars but also produced many, many great careers for people working in manufacturing.

I get those on the other side have come in with their polished-up fingernails because they have never had any dirt on their hands. They have never worked in a manufacturing process. They've never actually worked in a factory and seen what goes on. I did an apprenticeship in a manufacturing factory.


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