House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Statements by Members

Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games, Bull, Mr Allen

1:34 pm

Photo of Anne StanleyAnne Stanley (Werriwa, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Australia enjoyed wonderful success at the recent Paris Olympics. Our athletes' efforts were nothing short of outstanding. Success, of course, is not by accident and does not come overnight.

On 26 July, the day of the opening of the Paris Olympics, Australia lost Mr Allen Bull, one of its greatest in the world of diving. Mr Bull was an international and national coach for diving and was recognised by Diving NSW for his efforts with life membership in 2012. Allen trained divers from all over New South Wales, mentored many coaches and officiated as a judge and referee. He made a particularly strong contribution to the Lightning Ridge community, but Allen was also a proud Liverpudlian. He was born and raised in Liverpool, attended Liverpool Public School and started his apprenticeship in Liverpool. At Liverpool Rotary Club Allen held many offices, including that of president. He was particularly active in the activities of RYPEN, the youth branch of Rotary for under-25s. In addition, Allen helped many charitable causes, especially those organised by his good friend the late Harry Hunt. I offer my condolences to Allen's family and friends. With his passing, diving has lost one of its champions and Liverpool one of its best. Vale, Allen.


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