House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Questions without Notice


2:10 pm

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source

The question was about a specific figure, the $315 billion figure that was being mentioned. If you bring a figure into it, obviously the Prime Minister may contest or argue that figure and what that means. Because this has been continuing, the practice is clear on page 554. I ask all members to review this:

… it is not in order for Ministers to be questioned on opposition policies—

but it's equally—

… reasonable for Ministers to discuss alternative approaches as part of a free flowing debate.

That is in practice. In 2015 Speaker Smith adopted the same process, as Speaker Andrew did in 2000, and allowed debate on alternative approaches. You may not like the answer, but that is the practice and that is moving forward. As long as the discussion is about alternative policies within the context of the government's own policies, I'll be adopting the same practice during the debate.


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