House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Questions without Notice


2:27 pm

Photo of Clare O'NeilClare O'Neil (Hotham, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Home Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

if we continue to see this approach from those opposite and from those on the crossbench, we're never going to get the kind of traction that we need to fix this problem for Australians. We will see a change to the housing situation in our country where we see people coming together in the centre, the states and the Commonwealth working together and the different political parties around this country setting aside politics for once and actually working together on this problem.

I have hope for the crossbench, but, for those opposite, I don't hold out a lot of hope. The truth is that we had a decade of government in this country where those opposite sat on these benches and did nothing about the housing problem in this nation. In fact, I'll just share two facts with you. One of them is that, in the last five years that the coalition were in power, the housing ministers around this country didn't meet a single time. I'll tell you one more.


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