House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Questions without Notice


3:03 pm

Photo of Julie CollinsJulie Collins (Franklin, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Small Business) Share this | Hansard source

and this will support to development and production of low-carbon liquid fuel pathways here in Australia. This will help the potential of tens of thousands of grain and oilseed growers around the country, creating more jobs and unlocking the potential of local industries, often in regional communities around the country. GrainCorp, of course, has stated:

An Australian renewable fuel refining industry will build a valuable new domestic market for our nation's growers and feedstock producers, with the benefits flowing on to regional communities and consumers.

That is GrainCorp on the industry's potential with the Future Made in Australia—and who could argue with that?

Well, apparently those opposite are arguing with that. I'm surprised that the Nats over there aren't supporting the farmers, the grain and oilseed producers, who want to turn their products into biofuels in Australia. They should be backing Labor's plan because it is about a sustainable future and making sure our farmers and our producers, the people doing the hard work day in and day out, get the benefits of the Future Made in Australia as will local communities right around the country.


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