House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024


Veterans' Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024; Second Reading

12:15 pm

Photo of Barnaby JoyceBarnaby Joyce (New England, National Party, Shadow Minister for Veterans' Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Yes. He should be in cabinet.

There is always one in every crowd, isn't there? In closing, I would like to commend this bill and thank all those who have brought their tragic stories to our doors and into our offices. I want to say to people such as the Finney family that we have not forgotten them. I want to say to other people who have told us that they feel the threat of family members who they believe have gone into that dark space, we are very mindful of that and are trying to do our bit to bring them out. I want to always commend the 57,000 people who are currently serving this nation.

I want to say to the Australian people that, as I said, your children are going to live in a different world. Unfortunately and tragically it's going to be one in which the threat to Australia is vastly higher than it's been before, because the comparative powers of totalitarianism are vastly higher than they have been before. For us to prevail in that circumstance, we have to be as strong as possible as quickly as possible. We have to prioritise that, put aside other issues and note that if we do not have that strength then we have failed at our No. 1 job in this chamber. If we fail we will have handed to our children the prospect of being a vassal state and of having a foot placed on their throat.

This wonderful thing called Australia could be lost to us. You most definitely can lose it. Just read your history books. There is nothing written in tablets or stones or by God that Australia will survive forever. It will only survive with the vigilance and diligence of the people who have been given a job to protect it. That is us, for those who have the discipline to be part of a prospective government—not screaming on the sides because they can—and put their shoulder to the wheel. I commend this to the House and I look forward to the conclusion of the Senate inquiry when, no doubt, I shall report back with further information.


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