House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Matters of Public Importance


3:59 pm

Photo of Gordon ReidGordon Reid (Robertson, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

The fumbling and stumbling of the shadow Treasurer continues today with his cerebral incompetence on show not just for the people in this chamber but for the gallery, for those watching on at home and for the entire world, continuing in question time to admire the sound of his own voice rather than ask credible questions or provide any productive economic or fiscal policy to this chamber and this parliament. It really, really is a shame. Those that once prided themselves on economic management and fiscal responsibility now vacantly occupy those opposition benches, providing little substance, providing little direction and providing little credibility. They are not a viable alternative government for the Commonwealth of Australia.

What did the Liberals leave us, an incoming federal Labor government, with? They left us a budget position that was more like a nuclear reactor meltdown, high inflation and wages that were going backwards. If the Leader of the Opposition and his loyal shadow Treasurer were to be in charge of this country, their unbridled liberal conservatism and right-wing populism would destroy this economy. Not only that but it would disadvantage millions of Australians right across our country, particularly in my home electorate of Robertson but also, I know, in many others, including their own. From the city to the bush, from north to south and from east to west, every Australian would be disadvantaged by what they consider to be responsible economic management. It gives me a headache.

If the Leader of the Opposition and the Liberals—


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