House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Matters of Public Importance


4:04 pm

Simon Kennedy (Cook, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Yes, Mr Deputy Speaker. The member is talking about these things, celebrating them, and I'm left confused and my electorate's left confused. Only last week I was talking to a single mum at St Vincent's Gymea who is facing homelessness. She's not celebrating these tax cuts. She's not celebrating this energy relief. These people are hurting. They're not laughing, smiling and talking about how good a budget surplus is. She's worried about where her and her disabled son are going to live.

I know a teacher looking at moving out of New South Wales to WA. I'd ask the member for Robertson to explain to the teacher in Cronulla who can't afford to buy a house why they need to be looking at moving over a five-hour flight away from the rest of their family. It's because they cannot afford to buy a house or pay the rent. They're not celebrating that.


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