House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Matters of Public Importance


4:09 pm

Jodie Belyea (Dunkley, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Whilst those opposite engage in blatant politicking on the serious issue of Australians doing it tough and oppose initiatives to support average Aussies, this government is taking measured and effective steps to help Australians struggling whilst balancing them against the current global inflationary environment. I know the Treasurer and finance ministers are working incredibly hard to maintain this balance and make sure Australians receive real and tangible help with their household budgets. Tackling inflation is a really tough challenge. There's no magic wand to fix it, as the Liberals know full well. Inflation at the time of the last election was roughly double what it is now. Labor has halved it. We know CPI indicators are volatile, but let me tell you: inflation would be even higher if it weren't for Labor's cost-of-living relief—and a surplus.

I hear every day from my constituents in Dunkley that they are struggling with their household budgets. I hear it at my electorate office, street stalls and doorknocks. But they also know that inflation is due to serious global factors. They're much smarter than the Liberals give them credit for.

Labor is listening and we are acting. That's why we have designed cost-of-living measures that deliver for those doing it tough and take into consideration inflationary pressures. We are taking steps for responsible cost-of-living relief while keeping spending under control. And the opposition needs to know that we do need to provide relief. We cannot deprive Australians of help, as they, the opposition, would have it. That's why we've delivered cheaper medicines, investing in $4 billion to freeze the PBS co-payment for five years and are adding more medicines to the PBS register. In Dunkley, residents have so far saved over $2.2 million because of this government's cheaper medicine policies. Those doing it toughest, like pensioners and concession card holders, won't pay more than $7.70 for their PBS medications. There is also $300 in energy relief for every household and $325 for every small business. The primary focus of our economic plan and budget is to ease pressure on Australians and put downward pressure on inflation, and power bill relief does both.

Our cheaper childcare reforms are delivering real cost-of-living relief to Australian families. This is good for children, good for families, good for workers, good for Australia. And more than three million Australians with a student loan will benefit from a capped HELP indexation rate, with $3 billion in student debt being wiped. There are tax cuts for every Australian; 87,000 taxpayers from Dunkley will benefit and have benefited from this. For those doing it really tough, there is a 10 per cent increase to maximum rates of Commonwealth rent assistance, benefitting close to one million households across Australia. This will benefit nearly 7,000 households in Dunkley.

These are just some of the many cost-of-living measures. The Labor government has a strategy that is responsible and fair and is making a positive difference. This means Australians get to earn more and keep more of what they earn.


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