House debates

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Statements by Members

Boothby Electorate: Centennial Park Cemetery

1:43 pm

Photo of Louise Miller-FrostLouise Miller-Frost (Boothby, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

The Centennial Park Cemetery in Pasadena is a very special place for Boothby residents to spend time saying goodbye to friends and family and reflecting on their lives. They're also the homes of the Derrick Gardens returned veteran cemetery, and every year on Remembrance Day it's a central place where the community gathers to pay our respects and thank veterans for their service.

Centennial Park is also very important for another reason. In the middle of the suburbs it's an oasis of green, with beautiful gardens that inspire visitors and ecological haven for native and animals. They take their role in the community and ecosystem very seriously. I recently attended the launch of the environmental sustainability plan. They have already managed to reduce their waste to landfill from 200 tonnes a year to seven tonnes a year, their carbon emissions are down by 48 per cent, they generate a third of their electricity from solar panels and they're transitioning to battery-powered equipment. They are capturing rainwater and improving irrigation efficiency, and they plant, on average, 2,500 tube stock per year with Trees For Life. Their new plan focuses on climate adaptation, developing a net zero pathway, while continuing to provide a range of respective end-of-life choices and beautiful spaces for community to come and reflect. I congratulate them on their excellent work, particularly operations manager Mike Rusby, CEO Janet Miller and chair Amanda Heyworth.


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