House debates

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Questions without Notice

National Security

2:00 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I will make two comments, one of which relates directly to security assessments. They are done by the ASIO director-general. If the Leader of the Opposition doesn't have confidence in that system, he should say so. It's exactly the same system that was in place when the Leader of the Opposition was the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection who presided over these issues.

And I want to make another point relating to this and the comments the ASIO Director-General made on Monday 5 August. He said this about social cohesion:

This is really a matter for everyone—community leaders, politicians, the media—watch your words, watch your actions. … there is a direct correlation between inflamed language, inflamed tension, and violence …

I seek to bring people together. This bloke—this weak bloke over here—can't ever say no to anyone on his own team, can't ever say no to attempting to raise tension in our community, and is always looking for an opportunity to create division. That is what his off-the-cuff comments were about today—comments that didn't go to their shadow cabinet, didn't go to their caucus, didn't go through any of their proper processes, yet again.


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