House debates

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Distinguished Visitors

United States of America: Delegation of Congress, Timor-Leste: Parliamentary Delegation, Regional Development Australia

2:15 pm

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source

Before I call the member for Fowler, I'd like to recognise some guests in the gallery. I inform the House that present in the special visitors gallery today is a delegation of US congressional representatives led by Representative Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. I'm honoured to inform the House that present in the gallery today is a delegation from Timor-Leste. They are led by member of the national parliament Deputada Sancha Margarida Tilman and joined by Her Excellency Ines Maria de Almeida, the Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. Also present in the gallery are members of Regional Development Australia, including the deputy mayor of one of my local councils, Councillor Nicole Jonic from Ipswich. Welcome to you all.

Honourable members: Hear, hear!


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