House debates

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Questions without Notice

Fossil Fuel Industry

2:40 pm

Photo of Tanya PlibersekTanya Plibersek (Sydney, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Environment and Water) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for her question. As I've said in this place before, I can't give commentary on individual projects that may come before me as the minister. The assessment of this project is currently paused while the Western Australian EPA and Woodside provide more information.

But I would say to her that, if she is genuinely interested in the transition that this country needs to make to a future that has more renewable energy, she should be backing this side, she should be backing the measures that we're taking on the transition to renewable energy and she should be backing our environmental law reform, which is the best way to secure a future for the threatened species that she is claiming to be concerned about. Those threatened species would benefit from an environment protection agency with stronger powers and penalties, including the ability to issue stop-work orders and the ability to audit proponents.


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